A 7 year project working with NHS Talking Therapy services to improve care for people with psychotic experiences alongside anxiety and depression. The project is led by the University of Cambridge and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust, in collaboration with clinicians and academics across the UK.

NHS Trusts
Original grant co-applicants: Professor Paul French (PDG member); Aidan Thomas; Professor David Fowler (PDG member); Dr Caroline Lea-Cox.
Contributors/Collaborators: Michelle Painter; Nicola Marshall; Nick Grey (PDG member); Nesta Reeve (PDG member).

University of Cambridge
Original grant co-applicants: Dr Louise Lafortune and Professor Mary Dixon-Woods.
Contributor/Collaborator: Professor Robbie Duschinsky.
University of East Anglia
Original grant co-applicants: Dr Jo Hodgekins (PDG member) and Professor Ann Marie Swart.
Norwich Clinical Trials Unit

King's College London
Original grant co-applicants: Professor Sarah Byford and Dr Margaret Heslin.
McPin Foundation
Original grant co-applicant: Dr Thomas Kabir (PDG member).
University of Oxford
Original grant co-applicant: Dr Hannah Murray (PDG member).
University of York
Original grant co-applicant: Dr Mona Kanaan.
University of Dundee
Original grant co-applicant: Professor Tim Croudace.

This project is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Programme Grants for Applied Research ( PGfAR Programme (Grant Reference Number RP PG 0616 20003). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.